This system basic How to Write Article Writing in Marketing is the business success key for any market and in any state of the economy even if you have never sold anything to anyone with success throughout your life.


How to Write Article Writing

How to Write Article Writing in marketing, the efficient communication tool is the desire of any “internet marketer”. If the goal is to sell, then communication with the customer must be effective and work.

 After getting traffic on a website or blog, conversions (sales) are needed, but this is only possible if we have a system that makes us sell.

Sometimes I get emails from people asking me if anyone will be able to write a text or script for a video correctly.

The truth is that it is not necessary to be predestined in writing techniques to be able to communicate correctly.

Anyone can do it, it is enough to know in advance what to do to put in place a system to reach the desired objective. Below are Tips to How to Write Article Writing and Communication Language in Marketing

 Tips to Write Article Writing and it has nothing to do with your qualification or the success you may already have now.

I don’t care if it is …

  1. A perfect initiate with “zero” business experience …

  2. An entrepreneur fighting from his kitchen table …

  3. Someone with an already established business that is finally hit by jitters (and a bank account is no longer capitalized) due to silly marketing that doesn’t work.

It has nothing to do with your current situation, whatever it is.

What I want to present you with is a way to understand the obvious quickly, in a step-by-step process capable of creating the most powerful advertising medium and sales support material possibilities Tips to Write Article Writing.

NASA Americans in the 1950s started thinking about hitting the moon. It was a task that took them 9 years to complete, and for that, they put in place a plan of 1.8 million intermediate tasks until they covered all the points necessary to fulfill the objective.

You will also be able to make a video or sales page of your digital product successfully if you methodically go through those steps that lead communication to reach the recipient so that he buys your product. And all of this without having to search for the wheel again …

You just need to take what works and put into practice what others have invented and used effectively. These Tips to How to Write Article Writing Communication Language in Marketing will help you in the Website or Blog.

We can consider communication as an art and learn to write communication language in marketing. Going back in time, we will collect the best teachings to the Greeks, who with their classic theater plays have managed to transmit model communication examples to posterity.

They based their system on a basic three-part communication or act. The magic number, three, was the one that presided over form concerns.

Later with the press, a new form of communication that began to exist in the 16th century, communication problems were essentially based on the scarcity of means for its dissemination.

Shakespeare with his plays, also based the action in the same way as the Greek classics.

The problem was to make sure that what people heard, the message, passed through each word said, without any of them failing to cause an intended effect, a memory.

These free Tips on how to Write Article Writing Communication Language in Marketing and Your communication guide for getting the message to the recipient will always have to be based on this system: 3 acts, in which each of them will also be subdivided into three parts.

Detailing: Tips on How to Write Article Writing

Act 1 – Getting the attention of customers.

When we want to sell a product, it has to answer the buyer’s problems. The person to whom you address your communication has two main sensations: pleasure and pain. She thinks I want this or I don’t want this.

For example: Need to create traffic, do SEO.

Step 1 – Do you have this problem?

Shows a list of searches done on Google for a certain phrase or term and presents a double entry from the same site.

Introduce the solution.

I present the solution, so I took the pain away. People don’t buy products, they buy solutions. They don’t buy a vacuum cleaner, they buy something that makes the dust disappear.

Not seeing a pill, I make it when I take it, stop smoking, solve health problems, save you money. I give them a solution.

Step 2- This is an example of how it works!

As an example, show the product in action or give examples, show the solution in advance, using testimonials from someone who has already obtained results with that product.

At TV you should have already seen a vacuum cleaner sucking on dust, the house being free of pollens and dust, then running your finger and seeing everything clean. Or else ads for machines to lose weight, first measuring the centimeters of a waist, then the application of the machine on the belly or other part, at the end a new measurement showing 3 or 4 cm. love us. Or the presentation of the “air-bag” that saved your life.

This initial phase can take just a few seconds in act 1. Or just be the first sentence in a long sales sheet.

This system and free Tips to How to Write Article Writing Communication Language in Marketing always works for everything.

In this act we made the presentation, it is like being setting the table. The story is a good movie always has a bad type, a bad influence, a negative force (it can even be a bad diet for your health or to lose weight).

The following tips on How to Write Article Writing shows what happens when the bad influence the good.

Act 2 – Education: the rest of the story. At this stage it is intended to educate the customer, they decide if that product is good for them.

Step 1- This is used like this!

It shows how to apply the solution to the problems, through the user experience. It explains how the solution will work for them, “painting images of satisfaction in the customer’s mind”: “I can now” see “my satisfaction when having the vacuum cleaner in my room removing all dust marks”.

 We have to educate them by saying why our product works. “This watch is like atomic clocks, it’s always right. He’ll never be late with him again ”. Tell them why.

They will have to think about this. Make sure they are able to tell someone how the product is going to achieve results, so they can sell it: see this, do this, teach this.

They have to go tell the neighbor and explain how it works. Tell why they made the right decision. We want them to feel good about having made a rational decision to own this solution. This is to place an implicit purchase decision on them.

Make them comfortable with the decision they are going to make, make them feel at ease in such a way that they grasp the benefit and are able to teach others what they are going to gain from the product.

Essentially provide them with Tips to How to Write Article Writing and arguments capable of overcoming objections that may arise from outside, from third parties, such as a woman, a friend, etc.

Step 2 – This is true because it works well.

Step 3 – If you do these results. It is to suggest the resolution to take action.

Act 3 – Achieve consensus with the client. They have the solution but they don’t believe it. It is the part of the climax, in which the customer is closed to make an acquisition.

Step 1 – What is the result? What is the proof?

You have to ask them to give you a promise to tell us that what they put to the test also worked for them. And so you will get testimonials of satisfaction.

Step 2 – What is the customer’s benefit?

Telling him that if you do what others have done, you will also get these results.”So now what you need to do is purchase this.”

Step 3 – Last objections.

Taking remorse from the decision, reversing the responsibility, giving you a guarantee that you cannot say no to these Tips to How to Write Article Writing.

An attempt to close must always exist at the end of each act, as a test. You have already given them enough information to make a decision at the end of each act. Do not let the customer reach the end and ask: “Was there anything here to buy”?

To conclude just one more thought: magic buttons are never sold, solutions are sold. So these Tips to How to Write Article Writing Communication Language in Marketing will surely help in the Website or Blog.



Complete what we learn with these rules: Tips on How to Write Article Writing

1 – A good product line or a good product name, must have a benefit right in the name accompanied by a verb or adverb.

2 – Create some kind of curiosity.

3- If the product will work as a box or machine, call it a machine or box. People buy solutions, they want to take the magic step. They believe in its integrity, and all that remains is to present a turnkey product, ready to work.

4 – See the benefits with a lens. Everyone likes to see their margins widened, make them look at the product with magnifying lenses. They don’t know what they want to sell to them, but they like the end result.

If you see well in all the productions around you, you will find for any genre, the articulation of the presentation of a good story, always based on these three main steps. A good example is each television episode of “Lost”. The three acts are always there.

In some cases, rules of syntax impede great composition. If so they can and ought to be broken, in any case, your composing will become hypercritical and even mechanical.

One such principle is that a sentence ought not to start with a combination. Both “and” and “yet” can unquestionably be utilized to start a sentence or even a passage, however not to end one.

Utilizing both of these conjunctions to begin a sentence can be a characteristic change to convey the peruser forward.

A standard of style advises us to never utilize a similar word twice in a sentence, however in the event that you need to look for a few other cumbersome substitutes to carry out the responsibility, at that point please rehash.

The redundancy of somebody’s name is somewhat extraordinary. It can without much of a stretch be supplanted with “he” or “she” as the sentence advances.

A persevering fantasy disguising, when in doubt, instructs us not to end a sentence with a relational word.

A couple of more pointers…

When composing an article, watch that you don’t rehash data pointlessly. Regardless of whether you utilize distinctive wording, it despite everything gives the peruser the feeling that you think he was too idiotic to even consider getting it the first run through.

Use short sentences more than long ones, however, shift the length.

Break up the content by utilizing visual cues or posing an inquiry. Why? It will include intrigue and forestall your peruser nodding off – or essentially turning the page.

Use short passages as well. This will cause the activity of perusing everything to appear to be a lot simpler. In this relentless world, perusers are for the most part in a rush. In the event that they go to an immense square of text with no void area, they’ll ordinarily skirt a large portion of it.

On the off chance that you remember these tips, your articles will keep the two editors and perusers cheerful.

As a final exercise Tips to Learn to write Communication Language in Marketing, I suggest you identify all the points that we detail here in this post.

The most important thing for you now is to understand Tips to Learn & Write the structure and apply it methodically. I look forward to your appreciation.